My name is Aaiza [pronounced eye-za]. I am a Systems Engineer by profession, a Biochemist by education, and an Artist by passion. I grew up in Pakistan and moved to the D.C. Metro Area when I was 19 and have lived here since then.

I love to travel, draw, paint, write, tell stories, grow strawberries, and make terrariums. I love mind-numbing Sudoku, board games, woodworking, and the thrill of an unplanned adventure. I love to do so many things that I find it hard to dedicate myself to just one thing, and it has often left me in a state of mental paralysis. I created this blog to put discipline around the individual loves that are dearest to me and channel them into a collective love for life. By keeping my dreams alive, making them come true, and sharing them, I hope to inspire others to dream.

I hope that my writing, drawing and storytelling will reach out to you and instill an ache inside you to go explore this spectacular planet that we have the good fortune of calling home. So put your adventure pants on, skip along, and view the world through my dream-colored lens!